Exhibit for Australian Museum

Calendar touchscreen interactive housing
The shape is based on Muttonbird island, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Muttonbird island holds a special significance for some of the Aboriginal collaborators on the project. The three planes are derived from contours of the island. The island was 3D modelled, sliced into three planes, then detailed for CNC routing. A grid of battens hold the planes in space. The touchscreen is mounted to the middle plane.
Concept development, 3D modelling, Construction drawings, CNC toolpath linework.
People of the sea graphic
This was a redesign of an existing gallery element that was displaced by the new interactive. The original element was made physically from multiple cnc routed parts and stuck on the wall. For budgetary and real-estate reasons, the new element is 2D. In order to preserve the original elements look as much as possible. The parts were 3D modelled and rendered to achieve a 2.5D result. Further, the piece is all about people’s connection to the sea, so a sea-scape water-mark image has been used to evoke that context for the original ‘DNA’ graphic. It’s direct printed onto hoop pine. The hoop pine plywood helps to tie it into the rest of the gallery.